Friday – 24th May 2024

Juma Mubarak

Alhamdulillah for another Jumu’ah! Your generous support lights up countless lives. Let’s reflect, pray for our loved ones, and unite in faith. May Allah (SWT) bless us with mercy, peace, and endless rewards. Jumu’ah Mubarak to you and your family!

WIPAHS Journey to Assist Flood Victims in Rufiji Kibiti District

On May 9, 2024, WIPAHS launched a mission to aid flood-affected communities in Rufiji Kibiti District. Starting at 7 AM, the team reached Kibiti Boys Secondary School by 11 AM, delivering 300 kg of beans, 56 kg of sugar, 50 kg of flour, and clothing to 89 students preparing for exams. At the Kibiti District Commissioner’s office, we provided 200 kg of flour, 100 kg of sugar, 56 kg of soap, and clothing. Accompanied by the District Commissioner, we then visited Chumbi village, delivering 500 kg of beans, 200 bars of soap, and 275 kg of flour to the relief camp. In solidarity, we visited affected residents, offered prayers, and supported a madrasa for children’s education. Supported by Waliul Asr Education Centre and Bi Aisha Sururu Foundation, our efforts were well-received. The journey concluded at 10 PM, marking a day of significant humanitarian work. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all volunteers and supporters.


Approximately 1500 ladies gathered for the Hujjaj Farewell Program, bidding farewell to 120 attendees. The event featured enlightening talks on Muslim unity, self-purification, and the essence of Hajj. A captivating play illustrating Hajj rituals was performed by Madrassat uz Zahra SA. Organisers, including Ukhty Jokha Lemky, expressed gratitude to WIPAHS for their continuous support. Ukhty Neema Maumba from the National Haj Organisation under BAKWATA praised the event’s significance. The community extends thanks to sponsors and prays for a blessed journey for the Hujjaj.

WIPAHS and KSIJ DSM Collaborate to Aid Flood Victims

In a remarkable demonstration of unity and compassion, WIPAHS and the KSIJ of Dar es Salaam have joined hands to provide essential aid to flood victims. This collaborative effort highlights the strength of solidarity in addressing pressing community needs. Generous donations from Al Muntazir, Haven of Peace Children’s Home and Wali ul Asr Schools, including food, clothing, and household essentials, further amplify the impact of this collective outreach. Such initiatives exemplify the spirit of cooperation and goodwill, fostering a sense of unity and support within our community.

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